Join the greatest group of Jeep owners around! SOA membership includes a great t-shirt and sticker and makes you eligible for periodic giveaways of some great vendor products.
As a member, you also get the discounted member price for registration at the the largest gathering of Scramblers on the planet—the Annual National Scramble, now in it's 20th year.
To join, fill out the form below and submit payment via PayPal or mail a check.
Initial membership is $50 via check or $52 via PayPal (extra is to cover PayPal fees). All memberships run from Jan. 1 to Dec 31 of each calendar year. Any member joining after September is due in December of the following year, all other memberships must be renewed on Jan. 1.
Renewals are $35 via check or $37 via PayPal.
Payment by PayPal
If joining or renewing via PayPal, please add a note with your full name & forum user name (if you have one) and a statement that you are joining or renewing your membership.
For PayPal, send payment to
Payment by check
Please send your check to the below address. Also include full name & user name (if you have one) and a statement that your are joining or renewing your membership.
All payments by check should be sent to:
Scrambler Owners Association
c/o George Farrish
119 Circle Drive
Brandon, MS 39042